REVIEW: Limited Edition PB&J Oreo Cookies

Limited Edition PB J Oreo Cookies

If you’re holding a grudge against Oreo for temporarily ruining your taste buds with its Swedish Fish flavor or turning your poop pink with Peeps Oreo, Limited Edition PB&J Oreo might be the olive branch that causes you to forgive.

The sandwich cookie features a creme layer that’s half peanut butter-flavored and half raspberry jelly-flavored between two Golden Oreo wafers. It’s disappointing Nabisco didn’t use their Oreo Thins technology to stack two thin creme layers on top of each other to make it look more like a PB&J sandwich and less like Grimace lying on top his own filth after drinking too many McDonald’s chocolate shakes.

Limited Edition PB J Oreo Cookies 2

The peanut butter creme has a pleasant balance of sweet and salty. I haven’t had Peanut Butter Oreo Cookies in a long time, so I’m not sure if this one tastes similar. But when I lick the creme and eat the cookie, Nutter Butter pops into my head. The jelly creme tastes like the same one used in the Limited Edition Jelly Donut Oreo. While I didn’t care for it with that cookie, I like it in this one. While it has an artificial raspberry flavor when eaten alone, it’s turns into a generic berry flavor when eating a whole cookie.

When the two cremes come together in one bite, it brings a smile to my face because the cookie hits the PB&J flavor target. There’s the right balance between the two cremes, one flavor doesn’t overwhelm the other. These cookies make Smuckers Uncrustables seem more like Unbearables. The Golden wafers are great as the “bread” for these cookies because, while sweet, they’re also mild enough to allow the cremes to shine.

These cookies are delightful, so much so that I’d bet money we’ll be seeing these as a permanent or returning flavor in the future. Also, let me include more praise by stating this is one of my Top 5 favorite limited edition Oreo cookies.

Limited Edition PB J Oreo Cookies 3

While wonderful, I do have some minor issues with it. The way the creme layer is forces us to bite into a particular side to get both flavors in our mouths. Approach it from the wrong side and you end up with all peanut butter or all jelly. Of course, one can overcome that by shoving the whole cookie into your mouth like a competitive Oreo eater.

Also, raspberry jelly is an odd choice. If I was playing Family Feud and Steve Harvey asked me “Name me a jelly flavor you’d put on a PB&J sandwich,” I’m sure answering “raspberry” wouldn’t be any help towards getting to 200 points.

So to all who have been burned by previous Oreo flavors, the Limited Edition PB&J Oreo is one helluva “I’m Sorry” card from Nabisco.

(Nutrition Facts – 2 cookies – 140 calories, 50 calories from fat, 6 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 95 milligrams of sodium, 25 milligrams of potassium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 11 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein.)

Purchased Price: Too much from eBay
Size: 10.7 oz. package
Purchased at: Kroger (by eBay seller)
Rating: 9 out of 10
Pros: Does PB&J well. Peanut butter reminds me of Nutter Butter. Jelly creme works better with this cookie than Jelly Donut Oreo. Possible future varieties, like strawberry jelly, grape jelly, or crunchy peanut butter creme.
Cons: Raspberry jelly seems like an odd choice for jelly. Creme is half peanut butter and half jelly, not two layers on top of each other. Currently a Kroger-exclusive.


8 responses to “REVIEW: Limited Edition PB&J Oreo Cookies”

  1. Melissa Ward

    I’ve been tempted to get these off ebay as i live in Canada and there doesn’t seem to be any Kroeger-owned stores anywhere near the border 🙁

    1. Carla

      Melissa, if you don’t want to pay ebay prices, I could pick up a package and ship them to you. I know what it’s like when you can’t find stuff nearby 🙂

  2. Alek

    I think because of the equipment that have to be bought to stack the cremes so instead they just swirled together. I think Oreo needs to release a simple “two worlds” oreo with one golden and one chocolate wafer with both white and chocolate creme together.

  3. Chelsea

    Found at Walmart before I ever found it at Kroger/Safeway/Vons/Ralphs etc

  4. hm… sounds they finally nailed a flavor! Took same a while to not just promise great flavors, but deliver 😉

    But that brings us to the question, what exactly are your Top 5 Oreo Flavors Marvo? 😀
    (I mean you praise these oreos so highly i would’ve expected a 10 out of 10. Meaning: There must be way better oreo cookies :))

    Last but not least: i’m kinda curious, why they always go for raspberry als “jelly” flavor (IIRC the Jelly Donut ones had raspberry flavored jelly too). Since it seems to be perfect for the PB&J Oreos it’s really an odd choice (as you mentioned)… maybe strawberry and especially grape would dominate too much? ?

  5. Ron

    Just picked them up at Harris Teeter in Baltimore, MD

  6. Kevin Snow

    Maybe they could have mixed the PB and Jelly creams together.

  7. emi

    they probably used the same “raspberry jelly” filling that they had in the jelly donut oreos earlier this year!